Get UNLIMITED access to thousands of albums
  • Over 135,000 tracks by over 5,000 top artists
  • Every imaginable genre of music
  • Today's hot artists and timeless classics
Listen in CD-quality sound - instantly
  • Guaranteed high fidelity sound
  • No waiting for downloads
  • No viruses or spyware
Play what you want, when you want
  • Play entire albums, create custom playlists
  • Listen to professionally programmed radio -- with song skip!
  • No limits to how much music you can play
  • One low, monthly price
application screen shot

Rhapsody is a software application that gives you unlimited access to a huge library of music - all encoded for high-fidelity sound. But it's about more than just music files. Rhapsody offers the most complete music experience available anywhere. By combining one of the world's largest on-demand music collections with professionally programmed Internet radio and detailed music information . . . the celestial jukebox has finally arrived!

Simple, fast, and reliable, Rhapsody lets you listen to what you want, when you want. Rhapsody is the ONLY music subscription service that gives you unlimited playback of your music.

Are you ready? Start your Rhapsody experience today. We are offering a free month of Rhapsody* to our customers with the purchase of the Model 1200. Check your confirmation email for details. Click here for a detailed list of features and system requirments.

Not Yet? Read on to see what others are saying about Rhapsody.
The New York Times - March 7, 2002
"Rhapsody remains the best choice for streaming and listening to music . . . It's hard to beat."

News.com - January 28, 2002
"Rhapsody . . . has won positive reviews from industry analysts in bake-offs with its primary competitors . . . MusicNet and Pressplay . . . Listen.com's forward march will help define a new industry . . . the company is poised to carve out a role apart from the major recording labels."

PC Magazine - March 12, 2002
" . . the audio quality of the on-demand tracks is exceptional . . . There's no limit to the number of tracks you can access."

streamingmedia.com - January 18, 2002
"Success in digital music depends on simplification for the user. At the start of the race, Rhapsody is winning . . . Rhapsody wins for usability. It's compact, easy to understand, and within a minute you can start playing a customized playlist, or even send one to a friend."

*Limitations may apply. Offer subject to change without notice.