
Our Featured MP3:

Endswell: Quote of the Year


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Full (6.2MB): Stream/Download

From the EP Daycare Available at mp3.com
Recorded March 2000 at Soundtrack Studios, Boston MA
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Brian McKeever

Artist description     Endswell has a heavy sound with a pop edge, offering the listener something new yet familiar.
Musical influences     Alice in Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, The Cure, Six Going On Seven, Helmet
Artist history     Originally formed as the band Supertonic, this Boston-based band changed personnel in the summer of 1998 and was renamed Endswell.
Group members     Micah Sakata - vocals
Harold Cheyne - guitars
Erik Barnes - guitars
Kelly Schauf - drums
Al Aranyosi - bass
Location     Boston, MA
More Info     www.endswell.net 

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